
8th Stuffed Cabbage Festival, Rátka

If you've ever been to a Hungarian wedding, chances are you will have enjoyed the midnight feast! Cabbage stuffed with meat and rice around midnight provides sustenance for festivities to continue. So that means many are expert rollers of the cabbage leaves - and just as many varieties!
Taste village life and village flavours

2nd Hunter – Winemaker Festival, Erdőbénye

Erdőbénye Erdőbénye

Surrounded by oak forests that provide wood for Tokaji wines, the hunting is also excellent. This festival celebrates the meeting of wine and game. Interesting pálinka from Szóráth Pálinkaház - a family with over 30 years' experience making schnapps from the local fruits. A great opening for the food. You can also meet your favourite winemakers from Bor, Mámor, Bénye Festival including - ÁBRAHÁM JAKAB BÉRES BUDAHÁZY-FEKETE KÚRIA PRÉSELŐ ILLÉS CSITE BARDON VAYI SANZONTOKAJ

Ice Saints

Patricius Winery hrsz 3357, Bodrogkisfalud

Wine and culinary treats Italian style along with a variety of soul-refreshing artistic shows and performances including Istváan Balassa's photo exhibition throughout Patricius Winery’s Open Day


Bodrogkeresztúr Concert Nights

Henye Wine Bar 5922+HG, Bodrogkeresztúr

The Henye wine bar regularly brings great singers and performers to the stunning winery/bar on the hillside as part of the series Keresztúr Concert nights
