Saint Urban’s Day

Tokaj Wine Region Tokaj

A religious and secular celebration: wineries open and the relics of Saint Urban -patron saint of vine growers and winemakers- are taken through the region

6th Stuffed Cabbage Festival, Rátka

If you've ever been to a Hungarian wedding, chances are you will have enjoyed the midnight feast! Cabbage stuffed with meat and rice around midnight provides sustenance for festivities to continue. So that means many are expert rollers of the cabbage leaves - and just as many varieties!
Taste village life and village flavours

Saint Urban’s Day, Mád

the village of Mád Mád

The Tokaj Women and Wine Association revive a long-held tradition of St Urban's Day, with events in Mád organised in association with the Mád Circle

Drinking day, Abaújszántó

Abaújszántó Abaújszántó

Explore over twenty cellars, including first biodynamic winery, Márta Wille Baumkauff's Pendits. Sports, concerts (mainly small folk bands) all day.